We are following recommendations by the BCCDC to keep both you and our staff safe.

When you enter the store we will ask you to:

  1. – please wear a face mask
  2. – please use the hand sanitizer provided 👋
  3. – please touch only articles that interest you 👡
  4. – please be mindful of physical distancing ↔️
  5. – please only ask to try on shoes you are truly interested in buying. This minimizes contact with the stock for all. 🛍

We will be limiting the number of customers in the store. We have sanitizing foot spray and try on footsox for your safety. 🦶 Our staff have face masks and shields for any time we cannot maintain a safe distance. We have a plexiglass shield at the counter for your safety.

We will sanitize our door handle, couches, counter, and debit/credit machine between each customer. 🧼

Thank you for your support and patience during this time.